So let's have some sharing is caring time. Justin and I are NOT big into the hanging out and being naked while doing non-naked-requiring things. We've both met nudists and one thing that always fascinated me in talking to them is that the desire to be naked is so completely non-sexual. That's... not my paradigm.
In fact, for those who followed the project back in 2010, you might remember random rumblings about visiting a nudist camp for a day. In the course of that year I did a polar plunge, swam in a waterfall, flew a plane and semi-eloped in Vegas - but just chilling in the nude with a bunch of other naked people remained solidly outside of my comfort zone. Justin had agreed to go with me if I wanted to go...but his clear reluctance showed me that neither of us would really have enjoyed it.
So, last Saturday, we decided to draw all the blinds, crank the heat to 75 (because we're wimps) and do some naked housework. Then we decided that, you know, slippers shouldn't count because we'll be on our feet a lot. Then we thought, you know, we'll need to put towels on all the furniture and that's a pain in the ass. So, we went ahead and put underwear on because that's basically a small portable chair-butt-towel. Then, I thought... I like bras. So I put on a bra.
Considering how much Justin and I both love clothing, even an underwear day is in the spirit of the holiday. So we dusted, vacuumed and cooked lunch. I don't recommend ANY OF IT. Being naked for anything besides umm... *cough*... showtime..... well... it sucks. Let me count the ways.
It's cold.
There are drafts in places that should be covered.
Chair leather is sticky after, like ZERO SECONDS of sitting on it.
Two words: hot grease.
I LOVE POCKETS SO MUCH. We spent a couple hours working naked and hanging out naked before we decided it was time again for pants. OH MY GOD I LOVE PANTS SO FUCKING MUCH. But we didn't get dressed before taking a lovely picture for posterity.
Pictured: Me and Justin on Work Naked Day.
As a final, more serious thought, this was honestly a holiday that pushed us quite a bit and that was part of the reason we didn't write more over last weekend and during the week. Neither of us thought of holidays as things that would stretch us or help us grow as people. I mean, they're celebrations for goodness sake - what could possibly be gleaned from them? Well, last weekend it was a serious and positive discussion on body image. The takeaway is this: we started this project to have lighthearted fun as a married couple. We're starting to see there may be more to it than that... how much more is something only time will tell.
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