See, this is not one of those holidays that breeds a lot of introspection or contemplation - I mean, I'm sure we could've meditated on how all people 'wear different hats throughout their lives' or some other bullshit. BUT WE DIDN'T. SO THERE. Besides, there isn't a long and storied history with deeply held traditions or anything so we totally got to call the shots. It is, without a doubt, the most straightforward and easy to understand holiday we've had all year. It is National Hat Day. Today we wear hats. Mostly, I LOVE the fact that this holiday fell on a Wednesday, because it was....
I picked my least professional looking hat with the primary goal of seeing just how long my coworkers would take me seriously wearing it. I made it through my first meeting unscathed for two reasons -- it was with team members to whom I could simply explain the project and because they're cool people. Other coworkers strove for politeness, but clearly believed I had lost my mind. I was asked the exact same question - as in verbatim and with the same intonation - no fewer than six times.
Coworker: *looks at me*, *sees hat*, *attempts to ignore*, *cannot ignore and begins staring*
Me: Hi, [coworker], how are you?
Coworker: Goooooooood... umm... so... umm... are you cold?
Seeing the pattern, my answers got steadily snarkier throughout the day.
1st: Explained the holiday politely and went about my business.
2nd: Explained the holiday more briefly and tried to slip away.
3rd: "I just like hats"
4th: "Hats are for winners"
5th: "Yup"
6th: "Nope, burning up. Why?"
For the most part, everyone's reaction was highly predictable.
Except Kevin, who is basically the paparazzi.
For his part, Justin had a much less eventful day. He changed into four different hats over the course of the day and had the sexiest hat head in the history of hair. But honestly - it was pretty chilly outside in Houston. If I weren't inside, in an office building and (theoretically) attempting to pass as an adult, I think I could've flown under the radar as well.
Not sure how this one avoided commentary though...
National Hat Day was a lot of fun - it was easy, lighthearted and goofy. In that sense, it was the ideal holiday - a day about celebrating happiness for happiness sake. So it didn't really matter that there weren't set traditions or a long history behind it - it was pure and simple and joyful and that doesn't suck at all.
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