April 13, 2010

Day 96 - Donate my Cell Phone to a Soldier

Date: April 12th, 2010

About three weeks ago, I realized that I would never be able to keep track of daily things, classes, meetings, work, family and social affairs without having pretty constant access to my calendar.  I've always been one of those "if its not written down, it doesn't exist" kind of people, so I wanted to make sure that I didn't accidentally skip one of my daily things or miss an exam or something.  Around the time I started to get worried about being able to keep track of everything, I got a message from Verizon telling me that I was eligible for a phone upgrade.

So... I made the leap from a regular phone to a "smart phone".  Yeah, it sounded pretentious to me too.  Being wildly anti-commercialism, I immediately steered clear of the Motorola Droid.  The ads for the darn thing are everywhere and they're all trendy and hip.  I don't do hip.

Get a job.

Unfortunately for my anti-hipster notions (making me a successful part of the sub-sub-sub-culture of America), I soon realized that the Droid actually was the best phone, by far and away.  The Blackberry didn't have nearly the features I needed and don't get me started on the Palm Pre.  The point is, a wise man is not always right and a hipster is not always tragic.

That left me with a perfectly good cell phone that just didn't happen to have calendar and e-mail readily accessible on it.  There are several places that offer cell phone donation, but I wanted to make sure my old phone got a good new home.  I'm not actually kidding.  I loved that phone.

Goodbye, old friend.  We had a good run.

On Monday I realized it was time to let the phone go.  Besides, I'd found that better place to send it to.  Keep in mind that there are tons of different places to send old cell phones.  From places that give them to working class families for emergency use to battered women's shelters that provide a safe and independent environment for abuse victims - there are plenty of good homes for my old cell.  In the end though, I decided it should go international.

If you want to help a soldier call home, you can go here to find ways to donate and drop off points.  Little Caesar's is a big sponsor so you could totally have hot 'n' ready pizza for dinner and support the troops at the same time.  As for me, I had the envelope already so I dropped it off at the post office before going to bed.  That's right, I went to the post office in my PJs around 10pm to drop off the phone.

And it totally wasn't creepy at all.

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