April 8, 2010

Day 89 - Go Housewares Shopping

Date: April 5th, 2010

I don't know thing one about household maintenance.  I'm trying to learn though.  I know not to let water leak out of a water heater for six months (learned the hard way) and I know to change light bulbs when they burn out.  I'm also a whiz at hanging pictures.  I'm like a picture hanging ninja.  And the wall's all "ow, my eye, why would you... oh, nice picture".  That's exactly how it works.

When I was a kid though, I used to hate Home Depot with the blinding passion of a thousand giant suns.  Lowe's too, but that was more of a principled rage.  Home Depot was the true object of my loathing.  I present to you now, the way a six-year-old only child sees the world: "Home Depot.  There is literally nothing there I could possibly want for myself.  Maybe I should cry until we go somewhere else".  It was complex logic, I know.  That being said, while there actually are things for me in Home Depot now... I still rarely go there.

I made an exception on Monday to take care of a long-unresolved problem with a leaky sink.  I had called in a plumber to fix it, but all the guy did was tighten it (it still leaked) and charge me for labor.  So I did what most responsible adults do when something in their home stops working.  I ignored it in hopes of it eventually fixing itself by means of black magic.  Maybe, when my sink fixed itself, it would dispense liquid caramel that makes people lose weight.  Someone should invent that.

The selection was, in no way, overwhelming.

Turns out my hatred of Home Depot, though utterly irrational and based on childish selfishness, is completely warranted.  They didn't have a single faucet on that wall that fit my sink, matched the fixtures in my house and came from a good brand.  I knew which brands were good, you see, because my dad was with me.  And my dad was with me because a) he's a great dad and b) the aforementioned utter inability to deal with household maintenance.  When we couldn't find anything at Home Depot, we went over to Lowe's to see if they had anything.

Lowe's: Proud to be second in a two man race.

They had a similarly sized selection, but this time I totally handled it.  There was a faucet with my three, pretty darn simple requirements.  So, my dislike of hardware stores in general will continue to be overshadowed by a singular and passionate hatred of Home Depot specifically.  Sorry Lowe's.  I just don't dislike you as much.  In the meantime, my new faucet is now sitting in my house waiting for a plumber to come and install it.  Cause I was not touching that hot mess with a ten foot pole.  Nope.  Not for a second.  If it doesn't work I want to know who to yell at and the mirror just isn't that satisfying.

As for the rest of the afternoon?  I spent it over at my gramma's house quilting.  Before she died we had started working on a full sized quilt.  The pattern is basic so it hasn't been hard to continue it.  I'll need to look through some of her instructional books to remember how to do the binding, but other than that its exactly what we did before.. just.. bigger.  I decided that I'm going to share the progress I'm making on it whenever I stop over there - though usually I won't devote a whole paragraph to it.  I had to today... I mean... the entry was about buying a faucet.  I had to give you something interesting.

Pictured: Organizational skills I should apply to my house.


  1. Life is never boring when I see it through your eyes kiddo

  2. Do you want help with your faucet?? I could come handle that for you, but not til monday...

  3. No worries hun - I decided to call a plumber. I had to install the disposal too so I wanted to make sure it was done perfecto.
