January 14, 2011

Day 364 - Hold a Newborn

Date: January 5th, 2011

On the second to last day of my project I was blessed with an opportunity to be with Justin's family at one of the most beautiful and personal events a family can experience.  After the baby was born it occurred to me that I'd never seen anything as beautiful as a newborn baby (and, by extension, certainly hadn't held one).

For, well, the entire time that Justin and I've been together, his sister-in-law and brother have been expecting their second child.  They have a 3 year old named Christian who is, quite possibly, the most adorable child on the planet.  Granting I haven't met every child on earth, but I'm still relatively sure of this one.

On the night before the event, after a long day at work (I woke up at 5:30 and Justin woke up at 6:30) and fighting with a lobster (which was a bit more epic than I'd intended), Justin got a text message letting him know that they were heading to the hospital.  You know how, in movies, the father-to-be runs around like a moron forgetting the bag, the blanket and often, his pregnant wife, as he frantically drives to the hospital? 

Yeah, that's how I started acting.  I ran to the computer and looked up directions to the hospital, forgetting I have GPS.  I went to go get a blanket because, you know, its winter, and forgot to put on shoes.  I started rushing Justin who looked at me quizzically, smiled and said "trust me, there's still time".  I didn't believe him.  Then I wondered if the baby would be upset by my pants.  Because that's the first thing a newborn does, is judge Random Girl #2's pants in the delivery room.  Didn't you know?  That's why they make fashion scrubs.

In any case, it wasn't even certain we'd go when we got the first text message and I started getting hyper.  Once Justin talked me down we had to actually decide if we'd go out there.  As most of the people who read this already know... we had a trip planned for the next day.  As we discussed it, we both came to the same realization.  This was the only possible time for the baby to be born and for us to see it.  When the universe hands you such fortuitous timing, its kind of an insult not to notice.  So we packed up and drove over.

Then we waited.
And waited.
And waited more.

Then we got tired.  And we waited.  Yeah, spectating the birth of a child is less of a movie of the week and more of an extended documentary on the physics of snow formation.  So we went to the lobby and slept.  Then we slept more.  Then we woke up a little and then we went back to sleep.  Oh, I'm sorry, is this boring?  I'm just trying to take you on our journey with us.  Geeze.

The baby arrived at 4:29am.  It was at that exact moment that Jeremy and Laura (Justin's brother and sister-in-law) first found out the sex of the baby.  Their daughter, Jordan Renee Ynclan.  Like most of the people there, I teared up a little and grinning like a happy idiot.  Justin's grandfather had a different reaction.  I believe his exact words were "What kind of a name is Jordan?".

Like everyone else though, he melted when he held her.  Usually this is the part where I'd post pictures with pithy comments for people to giggle at.  When you see her beautiful face, you'll understand why I'm letting the pictures speak for themselves.  It was truly an incredible thing to witness.

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